Big Lake Township presents an inviting country atmosphere with easy access to highways and shopping areas. We are a community with agricultural roots that offers affordable start-up housing, family neighborhoods, retirement homes, water front as well as luxury homes. There is ample room for growth with light industrial, commercial, and retail areas. Parks and recreation also play a vital role in making Big Lake Township a desirable place to live, work and play.
- Town road rights-of-way are generally 33 feet from the centerline of the road and extend beyond the edge of the pavement. They are governed under the authority of the Town, for the benefit of the public, including for snow clearing and storage.
- Note: It is unlawful for any person to place within the right-of-way any personal property that may obstruct the Town’s snow removal efforts per Minnesota Statute §160.2715.
- It is the responsibility of owners to keep the road rights-of-way clear of vehicles, trailers, trash cans and other items of personal property in Big Lake Township in order to facilitate the proper snow and ice control operations. If left in the right-of-way during snow removal activities, the Town or the independent snow control contractor, may have the item towed or removed from the right-of-way at the owner’s expense.
- While reasonable efforts are made to avoid it, snow and ice control operations may result in damage to the property of others. Neither the Town nor the contractor shall be responsible for damage resulting from snow removal operations to any lawn, landscaping, sod, plantings, buildings or other real property improvements, including fiberglass markers, that are located in the right-of-way during snow removal operations, and will not reimburse homeowners for any costs associated with them.
- If a property owner’s mailbox or support is damaged during snowplowing activities, such damages will only be considered for compensation if the support was physically struck by the snowplowing equipment, and if the mailbox support was properly installed and was of a type in conformity with the standards specified by Big Lake Township.
- Link to full Snow and Ice Resolution

2023 Minn Statute 169.14 Subd 2(a)(8) 35 miles per hour in a rural residential district if adopted by the road authority having jurisdiction over the rural residential district.
For More Information
Click on the links below for more information regarding the speed limit changes.
Town Hall / Clerk's Office Hours:
Monday -Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm and Fridays 9:00am - 12 Noon
Upcoming Calendar Events
March 21st - Big Lake Lion's Fish Fry, 4:30 p.m.
March 26th, - Regular Meeting, 6 p.m.
April, 10th, Thursday: Local Board of Appeal & Equalization 9 a.m.
Big Lake Township in Sherburne County Minnesota. Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information provided through the Big Lake Township's website. However, due to the possibility of unauthorized access to the data, transmission errors, or changes made since the last update to the website, the information should not be deemed reliable for legal purposes. Please contact Township staff to verify the accuracy of the data.